In this post we will have a look on how to manage recipients in
Exchange Server 2013. Before going to the topic, below are the
Recipients that are available in Exchange Server 2013.
- User Mailbox – Normal Mailbox created for humans
- Linked Mailbox – Mailbox created for the active directory account on the resource forest
- Shared Mailbox – Common Mailbox accessed by group of user who are having permission on it.
- Resource Mailbox (Room and Equipment Mailbox) – Mailbox created for booking Meeting Rooms and Equipment in a company
- Groups (Distribution Group, Security Group and Dynamic Distribution Group) – Active directory object that hold many users as members and the email sent to a group will be distributed to all the member of the group
- Contacts (Mail Contacts and Mail Users) – Accounts created for the users from the external domain to show up in Global Address Book.
- Public Folders – Used to store documents and calendars which can be publically accessible to user having permission on it.
How to create the above recipients in Exchange Admin Center
Login to Exchange Admin center -> Click on the Recipients Options as shown below
To create a Mailbox or distribution group, click on the respective option, and then click on the + symbol to create a New Mailbox or Groups. For Example, to create a User Mailbox, Click on the Mailbox and Click on the + symbol and then Select the User Mailbox, on the new window enter the required details and click ok.
Below window will asking for the new recipient details and we have to input the details for successful recipient creation.
How to edit the Recipient In Exchange Server 2013 using Exchange Admin Center
If you want edit an option for a recipient using EAC, Login to Exchange Admin center -> Click on the Recipients option -> Select the required Recipients and it will show few of the quick action on the right hand side and to see the full editable options, select the edit icon
Below window will open up and you will have all the options that can be editable using the Exchange Admin center on a recipient.
How to Delete or Disable a Recipient in Exchange Server 2013
Login to Exchange Admin center -> Click on the Recipients option -> Select the required Recipients and click on the Delete Option to select whether to delete or disable the recipient, it will ask you to confirm whether the delete or disable, click on ok
How to search a Recipient in Exchange Server 2013
Login to Exchange Admin center -> Click on the Recipients option -> Select the required recipient tab and select the search icon to perform a search. We will have an option called FIND in Exchange Management Console for the earlier version of Exchange 2013.
How to connect a disconnected Mailbox in Exchange Server 2013 using Exchange Admin Center
Login to Exchange Admin center -> Click on the Recipients option -> Select the Mailboxes option and click on the … option to get the more options and click on Connect a Mailbox
Also on the more options, we have lot of options like Advance Search, Export the Mailbox report as a CSV file and add\remove columns for the Exchange Admin Center. Above mentioned options will help you to walk through on a recipient management options on Exchange Server 2013 using the Exchange Admin center. Having any query? Please leave your comments.
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