Showing posts with label Wifi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wifi. Show all posts

Apr 23, 2013

How to login to the homepage for the Access Point (AP)

How to login to the homepage for the AP?
Product line: Wireless           Question category: Internet settings
 The Connection Topology is as below:
The steps are as below:
1. Connect your computer to the LAN port with Ethernet cable and make sure that the power is supplied.
Note: A wireless access point can’t provide the IP address for your computer.
You should set an IP address for your computer manually before login to the homepage of the AP . The default IP address of this AP is, so the IP address of your computer should be 192.168.0.XXX (1<=XXX<=253).
                                                                      How to set an IP for my computer?
Then login to the home page of Wireless Router through typing in the address bar in web browser (IE, Firefox, etc)
2. After login successfully, the following page will appear. Please click on Advanced Settings to finish the configurations.

Apr 22, 2013

UniFi and Paypal Integration


This deployment example is to demonstrate how you can integration UniFi hotspot with (1) Paypal Pro account and (2) Paypal Standard account. This is for demonstration ONLY and focuses on functionality feasibility. We will NOT support the example scripts. The example shall NOT be used in the production network. The reader of this document is expected to have HTML/PHP knowledge and are familiar with Paypal services. This is an EXAMPLE, please don’t just simply apply, think through first and make sure every line is properly modified according to your environment.
The example here was developed against Paypal Sandbox which is a test environment provided by Paypal for developers. This shall provide the same UI/API interface as the normal Paypal website. If not, then you will need to check with Paypal.

Architecture Diagram

Paypal Pro Integration

Paypal Pro account incorporates a poweful API that allows UniFi controller to leverage with directly. Comparing to integrating with Paypal Standard, which will be discussed later, Paypal Pro provides benefits such as easy setup and easy maintenance. It is supported in the UniFi controller hotspot configuration. The convenience however comes with a price that there is a monthly fee you need to pay (to Paypal not to us).

Part I. Preparing Paypal Account

  1. Goto Paypal Sandbox website,
  2. "Test Accounts" > "New test account" > "Preconfigured"
  3. "Account Type" > "Website Payments Pro"
  4. See if you want to change the auto-generated "Password"
  5. "Create Account"
  6. You can now see an account being setup in the Test Accounts page, choose that and click "Enter Sanbox Test Site"
  7. A new window being brought up, "Login" with the password you set
  8. Goto "My Account" > "Profile" tab
  9. Under "Account Information" > choose "Request API credentials"
  10. Choose "Option 1 - Paypal API" > "Setting up API permissions and credentials"
  11. Then under "Option 2 - Request API credentials to create your own API username and password.", choose "View API Signatures".
  12. Make a copy of the "API Username", "API Password" and "Signature", that's all you need to get Paypal Pro going.

Part II. Preparing Controller

  1. Create a guest WLAN (check "Guest Policy" in the Wireless Configurations page of the WLAN)
  2. "Settings" > "Guest Control"
  3. In "Guest Policies" panel > "Enable Guest Portal"
  4. "Authentication" > "Hotspot"
  5. check "Enable Portal Customization"
  6. In "Hotspot" panel > check "Payment", "Enable payment-based authorization (PayPal Website Payment Pro required)"
  7. In the Paypal Username, Password and Signature, copy and paste those you obtained from Paypal website.
  8. Since I am using Paypal Sandbox for testing purposes, I will check "Use PayPal Sandbox". In the production controller and Paypal integration, you don't check this.

Part III. Preparing Wireless Access Plans

  1. This example illustrates the minimal changes in order to setup your customized wireless plan.
  2. The default plans in UniFi configuration are (1) 8-Hour Pass for $5.99 (2) Day Pass for $8.99. Let’s say you want to setup changes these to (1) 4-Hour Pass for $1.99 (2) 8-Hour Pass for $2.99 and (3) Day Pass for $5.99.
  3. We have enabled portal customization which is stored in the [UniFi root directory]\data\portal directory. There are at least 2 files that need to be modified in order to achieve this: index.html and bundle\
  4. index.html has the user interface. Open it and search for the section "Please select the package of your choice".
  5. In that section, we will add another plan for 4-Hour Pass and modify the other plans into the revised amounts. Since package-1 is used by 8-Hour plan, package-2 is used by Day Pass plan and package-3 is used by the Free Trial, we will use package-4 for the 4-Hour Pass plan.
    <div class="options-box">
    <pre><input type="radio" value="4" name="package" id="package-4" checked="checked" /><label for="package-4">4-Hour Pass - $1.99</label>
    <input type="radio" value="1" name="package" id="package-1" /><label for="package-1">8-Hour Pass - $2.99</label>
    <input type="radio" value="2" name="package" id="package-2" /><label for="package-2">Day Pass $5.99</label>
  6. bundle\ defines the content of a package. Open it and the file should have enough self-explanatory comments.
  7. Modify the charging amount for the package-1 (8-Hour) to $2.99 and package-2 (1-Day) to $5.99.
  8. Add a new package for 4-Hour.
    ## package 4
    package.4.hours=4 4HR
    package.4.charged_as=Hotspot 4-Hour Wifi
  9. Now you are all set.

Part IV. Test if Everything Works

  1. You can test it out by creating another Paypal Sandbox buyer account.
  2. After associating to a guest WLAN, see if the controller redirects you to custom portal page where you can pay for wireless plan (using sandbox buyer account).
  3. See if your business account has received the payment
  4. See if the controller allows guest access for that account after payment.
  5. Verify in the controller hotspot manager to determine if the time allocated for this guest is correct.

Paypal Standard Integration

Paypal Standard account is free of charge and therefore Paypal has more limitation on its capability. One of the limitations is that Paypal standard does not allow APIs. In other words, you cannot hook UniFi controller directly to a Paypal Standard account like the way we do it for Paypal Pro account. In order for this to work, you will need (1) an external web server as portal (2) to leverage Paypal Instant Payment Notification (IPN) service to integrate with UniFi hotspot with Paypal Standard account.
The implication of this integration is more on setup and maintenance efforts since one more entity is introduced in the architecture therefore the extra complexity. The example presented here is to demonstrate how a Paypal standard account can be integrated with UniFi Hotspot, we do not actually own the external web server piece. Note that we (as in Ubiquiti UniFi team) only make sure our UniFi controller interface to the external portal is functional correctly. It is owner’s responsibility to ensure that this external server is working smoothly and all errors have been properly handled.
We would like to thank JustTech and mmaxmal, their posts inspired the writing of this deployment example. We also hope this article can help those who in need.

Part I. Prepare the external portal website (Apache, PHP, UniFi example portal)

  1. This example is based on Windows 2008. Windows 7 should work also. A Linux user should be able to leverage these steps fairly easy (Steps can be found here UniFi_and_Paypal_Integration#Integrating_UniFi_and_Paypal_Standard_on_Ubuntu_11.04 ). Also, this external web server machine needs an Internet IP address (for later Paypal IPN service to post back) or port forwarding needs to be enabled on the firewall.
  2. Install an Apache web server which can be downloaded from We use httpd-2.2.22-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8t.msi. In this example, the apache server is installed on the same machine that is also running controller.
  3. To verify if the Apache has been installed successfully, open a web browser and give the localhost url You should see a string “It works!” that indicates Apache server has been installed successfully.
  4. Now go to UniFi FAQ,, search for “ (if running 2.2.0)” and download the file. (This article was built based on modifying this sample project, however, we have also put the end result portal files online, see Part IV for its download link.)
  5. Extract its contents into the Apache htdocs/guest folder. In my computer, that will be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\guest". By default there is no guest folder, so you will need to create a sub-folder guest under htdocs. When enabling external portal, the controller does not look at the default htdocs directory but the guest directory underneath it.
  6. The example uses php format for index file. Therefore, we need to install PHP. Go to PHP for Windows website, According to the website, it has a sidenote says "Do NOT use VC9 version with binaries", thus we are installing the PHP5.2 which is VC6 version.
    1. Our installation (described below) is mostly based on the instructions provided on ""
    2. We downloaded the zip file of the Thread Safe one. (I tried PHP5 installer at first but Apache doesn’t like it..)
    3. Extract it into C:\php folder
    4. make a copy of php.ini from php.ini-recommended
    5. You can modify this .ini file based on your needs.
    6. In php.ini, we need to un-comment the following lines
      • extension=php_openssl.dll (need this for paypal)
      • extension=php_curl.dll (need this for controller)
    7. Also add "C:\php\ext\" to the Windows Path environment variable.
  7. Goto Apache2.2/conf folder and open httpd.conf.
    1. Modify the httpd.conf file
    2. add LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2_2.dll" note “/” instead of “\”
    3. add AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
    4. add PHPIniDir "c:/php"
    5. add "index.php’’ in the DirectoryIndex line
    6. Save httpd.conf file and then restart Apache service.
  8. Open a browser with localhost/guest as URL. If everything works smoothly, you shall see the Welcome! Free Wireless Internet..., this is the default content that provided in the example index.php.

Part II. Prepare Paypal

  1. The example here is based on Paypal Sandbox which is a test environment provided by Paypal for developers. This shall provide the same UI/API interface as the normal paypal website. If not, then you will need to check with Paypal.
  2. Sign up an account on
  3. In “Test Accounts” tab > “New Test Account” > “Preconfigured”
  4. “Account Type” chooses “Seller (Use to represent yourself as the merchant)” which is the Standard one. Fill-in all entries and then “Create Account”
  5. Now you shall see that newly created account in the summary page.
  6. Click “Enter Sandbox Test Site”, a new windows should be brought up. Use the password you gave earlier to login.
  7. The next step is to create the “Buy Now” button for the WLAN charging plans
  8. Let’s say we are going to create 3 different charging plans
    • 8-Hour Pass for $4.99
    • 1-Day Pass for $7.99
    • 3-Day Pass for $12.99
  9. Goto “My Account” > “Profile”
  10. Under “Selling Preferences”, choose “My Save Buttons” > “Sample Buy Now Button” > “Action” > “Edit Button”.
  11. Item Name: Wireless Pass
  12. Customize Button: “Add drop-down menu with price/option”
    1. Name of Drop-down Menu: Wireless Access Plan
      • Input menu option name and price: 8-Hour Pass / $4.99
      • Input menu option name and price: 1-Day Pass / $7.99
      • Input menu option name and price: 3-Day Pass / $12.99
    2. click “Done”
    3. click “Save Changes”
  13. You will be redirected to the auto generated button code. This piece of code can also be viewed from “My Save Buttons” > “Wireless Pass” (this is the new name of the ‘Buy Now’ button we just gave above) > “Action” > “View Code”.
  14. Copy the generated code and paste it into the index.php file. In here, we put it under terms-of-use paragraph. The html design part is beyond the scope of this article.
  15. If you access the guest portal page now, it should look like below.
  16. Now, the other trick here is to use Paypal IPN (Instant Payment Notification) service to notify our portal that it has received a payment which in turn notifies UniFi controller to enable wireless pass for this guy. That way everything is automated.
  17. The details of the scripts is in part 3. Before we go into that part, there is one more thing needs to be done: we need to tell Paypal that we want IPN service and which script that Paypal should notify to.
    1. “My Account” > “Profile” > “Instant Payment Notification Preferences”
    2. Notification URL, put your server’s IP or domain name and whatever script name that you are going to used for IPN processing. Note that since this Paypal talking to your server, you will need a public IP, or a private IP with port forwarding. In this example, we are using a L3 controller in the AWS, ''''
    3. “Receive IPN messages (Enabled)” > “Save”
  18. Now we are going to put every pieces together.

Part III. Preparing the Controller

  1. In “Settings” > “Guest Controler”, “Guest Policies” > “Authentication” choose “External Portal Server”
  2. “Custom portal” > IP address > your web server
  3. click “Apply”

Part IV. Integration

  1. The example described below can be downloaded at If you have an improved version of the example and would like to contribute back, we are more than happy to add that. Please let us know, you can send me (UBNT-David) a private message through the UBNT forum.
  2. In short, the whole process goes like this
    1. a user connects to the guest WLAN
    2. the controller redirects her/him to the external portabl website, the redirection post contains the MAC of this newly connected device
    3. In the external web server, this user can see “Terms of Use” agreement, and also a Paypal “Buy Now” button.
    4. The “Buy Now” button has a drop box that contains all possible wireless plan options.
    5. The user chooses one of the wireless plans and the click “Buy Now” button.
    6. The user got redirected to the Paypal website.
    7. In the Paypal website, the user can pay with her/his credit card as a guest or pay with her/his Paypal account (if s/he has one).
    8. Once the user submitted her/his payment, the Paypal generates an IPN message and post it to the external portal website you setup.
    9. The IPN message contains payment information and client MAC information.
    10. The portal site receives this IPN, it validates with Paypal to make sure that this message is not fake. If the message is valid, the portal site parses the IPN message and proceed.
    11. First to make sure that the payment has completed.
    12. If the payment is good, the portal site notifies the controller to grant access for the specified device (the MAC address passed in IPN) and for how long (based on the payment option received in IPN).
    13. The user can now access the internet.
  3. To process Paypal IPN, we need to develop a script that handles Paypal IPN, this script is the attached paypal_ipn.php. This script is developed based upon the example provided in Paypal Instant Payment Notification Guide.
  4. Make sure that openssl extension is enabled (see part I) in PHP. Otherwise you can’t communicate with the Paypal. Also curl extension for talking to the controller.
  5. Another thing is that we need to pass the MAC address along this process: external portal to the paypal and then reported back through paypal IPN. That way the system knows who just paid and we can enable access for the right device.
  6. The first thing is to pass the MAC address of the guest device.
    1. Earlier we have pasted the “Buy Now” button code in the index.php file, we now add one more hidden field.
      <input type="hidden" name="custom" value="<?php echo $_GET['id']; ?>">
    2. Now when a user clicks “Buy Now” button, its MAC address will be passed to the Paypal site in the “custom” field which will be included into the IPN message that Paypal generates.
  7. We will now take a look at the script that processes Paypal IPN message.
    1. The script is based on the example script provided in the Paypal IPN guide and we modify the needed parts to make it work with UniFi controller.
    2. The first thing is to distinguish between Paypal Sandbox and normal Paypal to know where to validate the IPN message.
      if($_POST['test_ipn'] == 1) {
      $fp = fsockopen ('ssl://', 443, $errno, $errstr, 30); 
      } else {
      $fp = fsockopen ('ssl://', 443, $errno, $errstr, 30); 
    3. The next is to handle HTTP error (if there is one) when dealing with Paypal. This piece will get executed when there is a communication issue between your portal server and Paypal. In here, we will write this error into a log file; in reality, you probably need to do something (such as try again or notify the admin to manually grant guest access for the user).
      if (!$fp) { // HTTP ERROR
      $myFile = "log.txt";
      $fh = fopen($myFile, 'a') or die("can't open file");
      fwrite($fh, "\n[".date('m/d/Y h:i:s a', time())."] "."HTTP ERROR while processing validation from Paypal\n".$errno."\n".$errstr."\n");
    4. The next part should be straightforward, the script verifies the payment. If it is good, it then extract how much time to grant this guest access and the MAC address of the guest device.
      if (strcmp ($_POST['payment_status'], "Completed") == 0)
      // Check which plan did this guest choose
      if (strcmp ($_POST['option_selection1'], "8-Hour Pass") == 0) {
      $granted_time = 8*60;
      } else if (strcmp ($_POST['option_selection1'], "1-Day Pass") == 0) {
      $granted_time = 24*60;
      } else if (strcmp ($_POST['option_selection1'], "3-Day Pass") == 0) {
      $granted_time = 72*60;
      } else {
      // TODO: unknown amount; should not happen
      $granted_time = 0;
      // extract the MAC address of the device
      $mac_addr = $_POST['custom'];
    5. The script then notifies the controller, this is wrapped in a function, guest_authorize. In this function, the curl component is being utilized to communicate with the controller.
      // Notify controller to enable wlan access for this device
      guest_authorize($mac_addr, $granted_time);
      function guest_authorize($mac, $minutes)
      $username = 'admin';
      $password = 'admin';
      $baseurl = '';
      * Initialize the cURL session
      $ch = curl_init();
      // prepare cookie file
      $cookie_file_path = "unifi_cookie.txt";
      $fp = fopen ($cookie_file_path , "wb");
      fclose ($fp);
      // log into the controller
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $baseurl.'/login');
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); 
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $cookie_file_path);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $cookie_file_path);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
      $postfield = array( "login" => "login", "username" => $username, "password" => $password );
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($postfield, '', '&'));
      $contents = curl_exec ($ch);
      // grant guest access
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $baseurl.'/api/cmd/stamgr');
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
      $jsonfield = array( "cmd" => "authorize-guest", "mac" => $mac, "minutes" => $minutes );
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'json='.urlencode(json_encode($jsonfield)));
      $contents = curl_exec ($ch);
      * Close cURL session
      curl_close ($ch); 
    6. Note that we only demonstrates the successful transaction part. the script does not really handle (only writes into a log file) if the IPN is Invalid or if the payment failed. These errors handling mechanisms are critical in the production system.
    7. Now everything is all set. We can proceed to test.
  8. Part V. Test if Everything Works

    1. You can test it out by creating another Paypal Sandbox buyer account.
    2. After associating to a guest WLAN, see if the controller redirects you to the external porta l site where you can pay for wireless plan (using sandbox buyer account).
    3. Choose a plan and click “Buy Now” button, you should be directed to the Paypal site.
    4. Complete the payment.
    5. See if your business account has received the payment
    6. See if your business account has successfully sent the IPN message.
    7. See if the controller now allows guest access for that account after payment.
    8. Verify in the controller hotspot manager to determine if the time allocated for this guest is correct.

    Integrating UniFi and Paypal Standard on Ubuntu 11.04

    Below steps are posted by FreenetAntennas (Thank you) in,
    1. Install Apache2
      • sudo apt-get upgrade
      • sudo apt-get install apache2
      • You will find there is no htdocs folder by default. The web pages are found at /var/www.
      • sudo mkdir /var/www/guest
      • Extract the files in to /var/www/guest
    2. Public Access; so PayPal can access your paypal_ipn.php file
      • You have to modify your firewall rules to allow access to port 80 on your server.
      • WARNING: PayPal will not talk to ports other than 80 (http) and 443 (https).
    3. Install openssl
      • This was not necessary - it was already installed
      • To check what is installed...
        • Create the file /var/www/info.php
        • Open that file and type this command: <?php phpinfo(); ?>
        • Save that file
        • Open your favorite browser and open that file (ex: http://localhost/info.php)
        • Now you will see the Information about your PHP installation
        • In my case openssl was already there
    4. Install curl
      • sudo apt-get install curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5-curl php5-mcrypt
      • edit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and add this line:
      • sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
      • Check the PHP information page again, you will find PHP-CURL installed
    5. Modify httpd.conf
      • Was not necessary to do this
    6. Part II Prepare PayPal
      • This went as UBNT-David described
      • ... but to make the buyer experience better, I added a re-direct back to a Success page after the buyer completes the purchase.
        • Add the attached file as /www/var/guest/success.htm
        • In the PayPal sandbox: Seller ->My Account -> Profile -> Selling Preferences -> Website Payment Preferences ...
        • Auto return = On
        • Return URL: http://<ip of your apache2 server>/guest/success.htm
    7. Editing the sample paypal_ipn.php file
      • In function guest_authorize(), change $username and $password to match the username/password login for your UniFi controller
      • change baseurl to 'localhost:8443' (assuming your PayPal gateway and the UniFi controller are on the same host )
      • Edit the sections that look similar to this so that the text being compared matches the purchase options you setup in PayPal.
      • strcmp ($_POST['option_selection1'], "8-Hours") == 0
      • and edit the $granted_time values to match the number of minutes being purchased.
      • Don't forget to add this line as in UBNT-David's document:
        • <input type="hidden" name="custom" value="<?php echo $_GET['id']; ?>">
    8. Create files and Change Permissions
      • As I did all operations as root, I had to manually do the following:
      • sudo touch /var/www/guest/log.txt
      • sudo chmod 777 /var/www/guest/log.txt
      • sudo touch /var/www/guest/unifi_cookie.txt
      • sudo chmod 777 /var/www/guest/unifi_cookie.txt

UniFi and switch VLAN configuration


This deployment example is to demonstrate switch VLAN configurations for UniFi APs. This is for demonstration ONLY and experienced IT should already be familiar with below contents. We are NOT suggesting how your network should be configured, and we will NOT support if these switch configurations failed your network. The reader of this document is expected to have VLAN and switch knowledge. Remember, this is an EXAMPLE, don’t just simply apply, please think through first and make sure the configuration is properly modified according to your environment.


In this example, we will trunk 4 different switches (Netgear, HP, Cisco, D-Link) and use AirRouter as the DHCP server also the gateway to internet. We choose 4 different switch brands to demonstrate UAP interoperability. We will create 4 WLANs (vlan10_mgmt, vlan20_user, vlan30_finance, vlan40_guest) in 4 different VLAN id (10, 20, 30, 40) each. To make things a little bit more complicated, we didn't use the default VLAN 1, but set VLAN 10 to be untagged to carry UniFi AP management traffic. It shall be fairly easy for readers to change management VLAN from VLAN 10 back to use default VLAN 1. In the end, a UAP can be plugged into any of these switches to provide wireless connectivity.

Network Diagram

Network VLAN & IP range

  • Management, VLAN 10, 10.0.10.x
  • User, VLAN 20, 10.0.20.x
  • Finance, VLAN 30, 10.0.30.x
  • Guest, VLAN 40, 10.0.40.x

Management IP addresses

  • AirRouter
  • Netgear GS748TP
  • Controller
  • HP ProCurve 2650-PWR
  • Cisco 2970 switch
  • D-Link DGS-3120-24PC


  1. The AirRouter is running v5.5.
  2. We will use AirRouter in SOHO Router mode for simplification. We will leverage it as the gateway, NAT and the DHCP server for for all VLANs. We are NOT going to use its Wireless capability in this example since that is not our main focus here.
  3. Following AirRouter user guide, plug in the laptop into one of the ports. Set the laptop and the AirRouter in the same subnet. We can then configure AirRouter through web browser in its default IP address.
  4. "Network" tab
  5. Set Network Mode to "SOHO Router"
  6. Choose "Advanced" Configuration Mode
  7. Set your WAN according to your WAN connection. In our setup, I choose DHCP.
  8. Expand "LAN Network Settings"
    • IP Address: (We don't really use this part in this example)
    • Netmask:
    • DHCP Server: Enabled
    • Range Start:
    • Range Stop:
    • Netmask:
    • Primary DNS: x.x.x.x
    • Secondary DNS:
  9. Expand "VLAN Network"
    • Add "LAN1", "10", "Management"
    • Add "LAN1", "20", "User"
    • Add "LAN1", "30", "Finance"
    • Add "LAN1", "40", "Guest"
  10. In "LAN Network Settings"
    • Add LAN "LAN1.10"
    • Add LAN "LAN1.20"
    • Add LAN "LAN1.30"
    • Add LAN "LAN1.40"
  11. For LAN Interface LAN1.10
    • IP Address:
    • Netmask:
    • DHCP Server: Enbled
    • Range Start:
    • Range Stop:
    • Netmask:
    • DNS Proxy: Enable
  12. For LAN Interface LAN1.20
    • IP Address:
    • Netmask:
    • DHCP Server: Enbled
    • Range Start:
    • Range Stop:
    • Netmask:
    • DNS Proxy: Enable
  13. For LAN Interface LAN1.30
    • IP Address:
    • Netmask:
    • DHCP Server: Enbled
    • Range Start:
    • Range Stop:
    • Netmask:
    • DNS Proxy: Enable
  14. For LAN Interface LAN1.40
    • IP Address:
    • Netmask:
    • DHCP Server: Enbled
    • Range Start:
    • Range Stop:
    • Netmask:
    • DNS Proxy: Enable

Netgear GS748TP Configuration Steps

  1. Port 1 and 2 will be our trunk. Port 2 is connected to the AirRouter and port 1 will be connected to the next switch.
  2. In this example, we will reserve port 3 to 12 for server usage. In other words, we will not touch these ports configuration.
  3. We will set port 13 to port 48 as our AP ports. These will have untagged VLAN 10 and tagged VLAN 20,30,40.
  4. Connecting laptop (static IP to, e.g.) to the Netgear switch, port 1 is the one I am connecting to, using default IP and password
  5. Eventually we are putting management network onto vlan id 10, but no rush into configuring management IP, we need to make sure that ports are configured properly first.
  6. Go to “Switching” tab > “VLAN” panel
  7. In “VLAN Configuration”, create 4 VLANs (10 - Management, 20 - User, 30 - Finance, 40 - Gust)
  8. Go to “Advanced” > “VLAN Membership”
  9. For VLAN ID 10, we want ports 13 to 48 untagged to carry UniFi management traffic
  10. For VLAN ID 20, 30, 40, we want ports 13 to 48 tagged to carry WLAN traffic
  11. For the trunk port 1 and 2, we want all VLANs tagged
  12. Because the default VLAN for all ports is VLAN id 1, we want to change that to management vlan (id 10). Go to “Advanced” > “Port PVID Configuration”.
  13. Set PVID of port 13 to 48 to VLAN id 10
  14. Now we can configure the management IP for the Netgear switch
  15. Go to “System” tab, “IP Configuration” panel
  16. Choose “Static IP Address”, IP address “”, Subnet Mask “”, Gateway “”, Management VLAN ID “10”. Click “Apply”. Note that, after clicking “Apply”, you won’t be able to access the switch using the default address (current web access session will be terminated).
  17. Connect [AirRouter] [LAN Port 1] ------ [Netgear GS748TP][Port 2]
  18. Now we should have the DHCP capability (provided by AirRouter)
  19. Change laptop IP to DHCP, and then connect the laptop to port 13 (or any other port between 13 - 48). The laptop should get a 10.0.10.x IP address.
  20. Now we can connect back to switch ( using browser
  21. We can now change the PVID of ports 1 to 12 also to VLAN id 10. All 48 ports can be configure at one time, so it is actually not really required to do configure PVID twice, but it is safer to do it this way. In the case of mis-configuration of the ports, we can still have a connection back to the Netgear switch.
  22. Now we are all set, we shall be able to plug in an AP (on port 13 to 48) and configure multiple SSIDs in different VLANs.

UniFi Controller Configuration Steps

  1. AP adoption process has been described in user guide and FAQ, and we will omit those steps here.
  2. To create WLAN, go to “Settings” > “Wireless Networks” on the controller.
  3. Create WLAN “vlan10_mgmt” (e.g.), wpa-psk security. Do NOT set VLAN ID. This is because the VLAN 10 is already untagged on the AP plugged-in ports so we will let switch take care of that.
  4. Create WLAN “vlan20_user” in Open (e.g). In “Advanced” panel, check “VLAN” and “Use VLAN ID” to 20.
  5. Create WLAN “vlan30_finance” in PSK (e.g.). In “Advanced” panel, check “VLAN” and “Use VLAN ID” to 30.
  6. Create WLAN “vlan40_guest” in Open (e.g.) and check “Guest Policy”. In “Advanced” panel, check “VLAN” and “Use VLAN ID” to 40.
  7. Wait for the config provision to AP and you should these 4 SSIDs being broadcasted in the air.
  8. Use a laptop to connect to each WLAN and verify if the laptop can get a corresponding DHCP IP address.
    • vlan10_mgmt 10.0.10.x
    • vlan20_user 10.0.20.x
    • vlan30_finance 10.0.30.x
    • vlan40_guest 10.0.40.x
  9. Now you are all set with WLAN creation.

HP ProCurve 2650-PWR Configuration Steps

  1. We will add this HP switch into the network
  2. Since most ports are mainly 10/100, the plan is to do a trunk to link between HP [port 49 (Gigabit)] and Netgear switch [port 1], and allows AP to be connected on port 13 to 48. We will also set port 50 to be trunk so that it can connect to the Cisco switch later.
  3. Follow manuals for initial setup. I temporary connect HP switch [port 1] to AirRouter [port 3] to get an IP and use that to manage the switch.
  4. In the HP switch web access, go to “Configuration” tab > “VLAN Configuration” panel.
  5. Click “ADD/REMOVE VLANs”
    • VLAN Name - management. 802.1Q VLAN ID - 10. “Add VLAN”
    • VLAN Name - user. 802.1Q VLAN ID - 20. “ADD VLAN”
    • VLAN Name - finance. 802.1Q VLAN ID - 30. “ADD VLAN”
    • VLAN Name - guest. 802.1Q VLAN ID - 40. “ADD VLAN”
  6. Click “Configuration” > “VLAN Configuration”, you can see the 4 VLANs have been created.
  7. Click “Modify” for VLAN 10
  8. For port 49 and 50, which we planned to use as trunk (to connect to Netgear switch, etc.), change “MODE” to Tagged. Click “Apply”
  9. For port 13 to 48, which we planned to connect APs, change “MODE” to Untagged. Click “Apply”.
  10. Click “Modify” for VLAN 20
  11. For port 13 - 50, change “MODE” to Tagged and click “Apply”.
  12. Click “Modify” for VLAN 30
  13. For port 13 - 50, change “MODE” to Tagged and click “Apply”.
  14. Click “Modify” for VLAN 40
  15. For port 13 - 50, change “MODE” to Tagged and click “Apply”.
  16. Now we can setup a management IP address on VLAN 10
  17. Go to “Configuration” > “IP Configuration”
  18. Set default gateway “”, VLAN “management”, IP Configuration “Manual”, IP Address “”, Subnet Mask “”. Click “Apply” (Note that connection will be dropped after clicking “Apply”)
  19. Connect the trunk between HP switch [port 49] and Netgear switch [port 1]
  20. Remember that earlier in Netgear switch configuration, we have already configured its port 1 to be a trunk.
  21. Disconnect the connection between HP and AirRouter.
  22. In browser, put the new management IP in the URL and you should be able
  23. Now this switch is also set, you can plug in APs into port 13 to 48 and the controller shall be able to adopt it.

Cisco 2970 Configuration Steps

  1. Reset the switch to the factory default state and we will configure the switch using console port.
  2. To add vlans
    1. config t
    2. vlan 10
    3. exit
    4. vlan 20
    5. exit
    6. vlan 30
    7. exit
    8. vlan 40
    9. exit
  3. We are going to make port 1 and port 2 as trunk that can connect to other switches. For port 3 -24, we will allow APs to connect
    1. (config t)
    2. interface vlan 10
    3. ip address
    4. ip helper-address
    5. exit
    6. interface vlan 20
    7. ip helper-address
    8. exit
    9. interface vlan 30
    10. ip helper-address
    11. exit
    12. interface vlan 40
    13. ip helper-address
    14. exit
    15. interface range gigabitEthernet 0/1-2
    16. switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
    17. switchport mode trunk
    18. switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30,40
    19. exit
    20. interface range gigabitEthernet 0/3-24
    21. switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30,40
    22. switchport trunk native vlan 10
    23. exit
  4. All done, we can now connect its port 2 to HP switch and plug in an UAP into a port between 3 to 24. The controller shall be able to adopt the AP.

D-Link DGS-3120-24PC

  1. We now add this D-Link switch into the network
  2. We will have Its port 2 connects to the Cisco 2970 switch port 1 and form a trunk for VLAN traffic. For the port 3 to port 24, we will use for APs.
  3. Plug laptop into port 1, configure IP and subnet according to the switch default setup.
  4. Web browse into the switch using its default ip address, username and password
  5. Left panel > L2 Features > VLAN > 802.1Q VLAN Settings
    1. Right panel > Add/Edit VLAN
      • VID: 10, VLAN Name: mgmt
      • port 1 & 2: tagged
      • port 3 - 24: untagged
      • click “Apply”
    2. VID: 20, VLAN Name: user
      • port 1 - 24: tagged
      • click “Apply”
    3. VID: 30, VLAN Name: finance
      • port 1 - 24: tagged
      • click “Apply”
    4. VID: 40, VLAN Name: guest
      • port 1 - 24: tagged
      • click “Apply”
    5. VID: 1, default VLAN
      • change port 3 to 24 to “Not Member”
  6. We have VLAN configured on these ports, now configure trunk
  7. Left panel > L2 Features > VLAN > VLAN Trunk Settings
  8. check port 2 (since we are connected on port 1, we don’t want to mess it now)
  9. click “Apply”
  10. Let’s connect the trunk between Cisco 2970 (port 1) (which we configured earlier) and D-Link DGS-3120 (port 2)
  11. We now should be able to get a 10.0.10.x ip address on Port 3 - 24 (DHCP assigned from AirRouter). Try plug in something and see if that is the case.
  12. If that is good, we can then change the management IP address for the D-Link to
  13. Left panel > Management > IP Interface > System IP Address Setting
  14. Management VLAN Name: mgmt
    • IP Address:
    • Subnet Mask:
    • Gateway:
    • Click “Apply”
  15. A dialog pops up and ask you to use the new IP interface to manage the switch. Plug the laptop from port 1 to a port between port 3 to port 24.
  16. Use the new ip address to access the DLink switch
  17. In this deployment, we don’t use default VLAN 1, thus I am removing defaullt VLAN (VID 1) on port 1 & 2.
  18. Add/Edit VLAN
    1. VID 1
    2. port 1 & 2 > Not Member
  19. Configure port 1 also into the trunk for future connection to another switch.
    1. Left panel > L2 Features > VLAN Trunk Setting
    2. check port 1
    3. click “Apply”
  20. All done. Connect APs between port 3 to port 24 to see if it is working.

UniFi--How to

Controller Installation

Is there a user guide?

Yes, check You will find the latest Datasheet, Quick Start Guide, and User Guides.

Supported Platforms for UniFi Controller software

Currently UniFi can be installed on Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7, and Intel Mac 10.5 and after. For Linux, we release debian packages (APT). A generic zipped package is also introduced since 1.3.2

Do UniFi APs require the controller to be running all the time?

UniFi APs can run by themselves without the controller unless features like guest portal is enabled (as UniFi controller also functions as a captive portal). Restarting the controller won't restart your APs.

How do I install the controller on another PC/machine?

The best way is to backup your original configuration (Admin->Backup), shutdown the original controller and restore it into the new controller. Your access points will be seamlessly managed by the new controller.

What are included in the backup file (*.unf)?

The Backup functionality provided in the UniFi controller preserves the settings and the database. It does NOT include portal, (for customized ports configuration) and (for NTP, U-APSD specialized configurations).

Is there anyway to automatically backup the configurations?

Take a look at Controller API and use the unifi_backup function.

I saw "Start-up failed" or "Server taking too long to start". What happened?

Mostly likely one or more ports needed by UniFi are being used by other programs. Take a look at <unifi_base>/logs/server.log and you'll spot something like:
[2011-06-01 22:09:14,145] <UniFi> ERROR StandardServer  - StandardServer.await: create[8081]: Address already in use: JVM_Bind
        at Method)
Please follow the instructions below to change the ports and fix the issue.

How can I run UniFi Controller on different ports

  1. By default, UniFi controller runs on these ports
    • unifi.shutdown.port=8081 (for management purpose)
    • unifi.http.port=8080 (device inform)
    • unifi.https.port=8443 (controller UI / API)
    • portal.http.port=8880 (portal redirect port for HTTP)
    • portal.https.port=8843 (portal redirect port for HTTPs)
    • unifi.db.port=27117 (local-bound port for DB server)
  2. Follow these steps to change the default settings
    • Make sure UniFi is not running
    • modify <unifi_base>/data/ and make sure all ports needed by UniFi are available
    • restart UniFi

How can I customize how AP is provisioned (e.g. NTP server, U-APSD)

  1. create/modify <unifi_base>/data/
    • (in case you would like to use your own)
    • config.uapsd_enabled=false (some devices may have problem with or without it)
  2. do anything that triggers AP to re-provision (re-provision is not equal to reboot). One way to do that is to change a WLAN config or by disable/enable status "Uplink Connectivity Monitor" from controller "Settings" > "System" > "Uplink Connectivity Monitor" check box.
There are a few options we implemented to customize some of the controller's behaviors. As controller evolves, the options may or may not be available across versions. (no AP re-provisioning is needed)

Can I run UniFi Controller as a Windows Service?

Can I run UniFi Controller as a Windows Service? Yes, we added the support since 2.2.0.
  1. Make sure UniFi is not running
  2. Locate your java installation directory.
  3. On 64-bit, it's usually at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin"; otherwise "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin". (replace jre6 for jre7 if you have the latest Java)
  4. Add the dir above to the PATH (from Computer->Properties->Advanced system settings)
  5. run a command prompt (as an Administrator, right click on 'Command Prompt' and choose 'Run as administrator'. THIS IS IMPORTANT ON WIN2008/7+, otherwise the service may not get created)
  6. cd <unifi_base> (cd "%userprofile%/Ubiquiti Unifi" will usually do the trick, including the quote marks)
  7. java -jar lib\ace.jar installsvc
  8. Start the service: net start "Unifi Controller"

Note: there's a known bug against 2.2.X. The service shuts down the the administrator logs out.

Where is UniFi installed (or where is the <unifi_base>)?

  • Mac -- /Applications/, the <unifi_base> is at /Applications/
  • Windows -- "%userprofile%/Ubiquiti Unifi", which is the same as <unifi_base>
  • Linux -- /usr/lib/unifi
On Windows, can I choose another installation directory?
We chose to install it under user profile for Auto Upgrade to work across all Windows platforms. You can move it anywhere you'd like, though, by stopping UniFi, move it, and fix the shortcut.

I forgot my username and password to the controller?

  1. download mongodb for your platform from
  2. execute bin/mongo --port 27117 from your controller
  3. type 'use ace'
  4. type 'db.admin.find()'

How does UniFi check for updates? What information was collected?

UniFi controller checks for updates daily and upon start-up. The information we collect:
  • OS / Architecture
  • Java Version
  • UniFi version
  • Number of APs
  • a randomly generated ID (e.g. 246de3fa-fc6c-47d1-89aa-d97cdc694cb1) for the installation
  • IP Address

Operation and Deployment

How do I start from scratch? (i.e. re-install the controller, re-discover the AP)

  1. In some scenarios (e.g. restarting a demo to prospective customers), you can easily press the reset button of the AP for more than 7 seconds (or until the LED turns brighter then turns itself OFF) and it will be restored to factory default.
  2. The UniFi discover utility, also has the "reset" button next to a found AP (you will not see this button if the AP is already in the default state)
  3. If an AP is "Connected" in controller, by clicking "Forget this AP" in the AP dialog > Configuration panel, you also send it back to factory default state.
  4. In the case where AP is inaccessible, you may SSH into the AP (with the same username/password as the controller) and issue this command: restore-default

Cannot see / adopt my device anymore? What should I do?

As there's a binding between controller and AP. A newly installed UniFi controller will not adopt a non-default AP. You an either:
  1. use the backup feature of the original controller and restore it to the new controller
  2. remove the AP (AP dialog > Config > Remove) when the AP is in Connected state. Controller will help you restore the AP to default state, then remove it from the DB. You'll see AP reboots and comes back up with amber/orange LED.
  3. also check out this section for other adoption methods.

AP status stucks at "adopting". What do I do?

  1. make sure AP has access to Internet (e.g. SSH into the AP and ping unifi, it should come back right away, even if it fails)
  2. install 2.2.5 or after
  3. go through the wizard and use ubnt/ubnt as admin's username/password
  4. connect UniFi APs and laptop (with controller installed) to the same router
  5. check the router and write down the IPs of the APs. Most home routers have it listed under DHCP client table
  6. SSH into each problematic AP and issue ' restore-default'
If above doesn't help and your AP always show IP as Check your DHCP server or router, if it did assign an IP to the AP yet the AP still shows, you may have a faulty AP. If all attempt fails, try the following:
  1. from the UI, make sure AP does obtain the IP from DHCP, note the IP
  2. from Controller PC, SSH into the AP (using the IP, default username/password is ubnt/ubnt)
  3. tail -f /var/log/messages
  4. copy the text along with your support info (Admin->Support Info) to
The adoption process was designed with DHCP in mind. We do not encourage adoption through the default IP. However, if you are more used to that way, there is one rule: we do NOT recommend (at all) directly connecting your controller to the AP through a power adapter. Always put a switch in between your controller and the target AP. The reason is that the adoption process involves AP rebooting, therefore if you directly connect AP to the controller Ethernet, this link will become up-and-down during the adoption process. In that case, there is a remote chance that the controller may not populate the correct inform IP address to the AP which will cause adoption stuck. In short, don't adopt this way: "directly connecting your controller to the AP through a power adapter".

v2 -> v3 migration

Starting from v3, the controller will NOT force a v2 AP upgrading unless the automatic upgrade checkbox is checked (unchecked by default). However, for a v2 AP on a v3 controller, this AP will enter into a "Connected (needs upgrade)" interim state. Under such a state, the AP will continue serve whatever config it has before (that provisioned from the v2 controller), however the v3 controller cannot manage nor collect statistics from it. In other words, the WLAN service is still up but it is not managable until the user upgrades the v2 AP to v3. As the state suggests, it "needs" upgrade before fully funtional. A very careful user can then manually "upgrade" one AP, verify if it is working properly in her/his environment, and then repeat this manual upgrade process until all APs are upgraded to v3. The reason behind this design is for a safer upgrading process that is critical in an enterprise environment.
Upgrade Steps:
  1. On v2.3.9 controller, in the "Admin" panel, Click "Download Backup Settings"to save the .unf file.
  2. Close controller
  3. Uninstall the v2.3.9 controller
  4. Install the v3.1.x controller
  5. Controller starts. In the first browser page, restore the config from the previsouly saved .unf file.
  6. After some time, all APs will be adopted by the newly upgrade v3 controller and put into the "Connected (needs upgrade)" state.
  7. The v2 APs continuously serve WLANs configured previously, but they are not manageable until being upgraded to v3.
  8. To upgrade these APs:
    • For adventurous administrators, check "Automatic Upgrade"
    • For a safer upgrade, check "rolling upgrade" on top right corner. For this method, the controller will automatically upgrade APs one after one.
    • For a careful administrator, manually click "Upgrade" button for an AP, check if it upgrades/works fine, then upgrade the other. Repeat this until all APs are upgraded.
Downgrade Steps:
  1. "Download Backup Settings"to save the .unf file.
  2. Close and uninstall the v3.1.x controller
  3. Click "No" when the uninstaller asked about keeping configurations (don't mess controller, v2 controller will NOT recognize v3 configs)
  4. Install the v2.3.9 controller
  5. Restore the previously saved v2.3.x config file (.unf)

How do I manually upgrade an AP

  • If the "Automatic Upgrade" is checked, the controller will automatically upgrade AP firmware
  • If the "Automatic Upgrade" is unchecked, there will be an "Upgrade" button next to each AP in the controller AP list. Clicking that button will bring the AP to the same version that the controller runs. If the AP is in the same version as the controller, the button is hidden.
  • You can also do this from CLI interface. To do so, please refer to the "Use SSH" section in the

I'm having trouble uploading maps, what's wrong?

The map upload goes through the HTTP port (usually 8080) instead of the HTTPS one (8443) used for management. Check your firewall or NAT settings to see if they're blocked or not forwarded correctly.

How do I create floorplan images?

The map accepts many common image formats like png, jpg, gif, ... (but it does NOT support .bmp) I've seen people doing all kinds of things to create the floorplans:
  • taking screenshots from Google Map
  • draw on a napkin and take picture using cellphone
If you're up to some art work, try this online floorplan creator

How does vlan traffic get tagged?

UniFi AP tags packets when it goes out from WLAN to wire. When tagged traffic comes in from the wire, it will untag it and forward it to WLAN. We have compiled a deployment example using 4 different switch brands for you configuration references. See

How does VLAN tagging work with guest portal?

  1. traffic initiated from AP is untagged (sent through br0)
    1. AP <-> Controller (management traffic)
    2. AP <-> RADIUS (if WPA-Enterprise is used)
  2. traffic from WLAN without vlan configured is untagged (the athX is bridged to br0)
  3. traffic from WLAN with vlan configured is always tagged (athX bridged to br0.VLAN to eth0.VLAN)
Whether it's redirected (to the guest portal) doesn't matter. When WLAN is configured with VLAN, the traffic will be tagged when it leaves the AP. However, how to forward the tagged traffic to where it should go is something you'll have to figure out.
Here's an example:
My management network:
Guest VLAN network:

AP connected to port 5 (vlan1-untagged and vlan5-tagged)
Ubuntu connected to port 1 (vlan1-untagged and vlan5-tagged)
Controller connected to port 8 (vlan1-untagged)

Ubuntu (act as a Router)
eth0:, routable to the Interet (gateway
eth0.5:, NATed to eth0

Controller is at

What happens if the controller goes offline when guest portal is enabled?

When an AP cannot reach the controller, it goes into a so-called SELFRUN state.
In this state, it doesn't make sense to redirect the guests to the portal (controller) which is not reachable, AP will automatically allow the guest to use the network without redirecting. Moreover,
  1. the guest access policies are still effective (L2/L3 isolation) along with the restricted subnets feature
  2. the user group (bandwidth limiting, etc) associated with this WLAN is still effective
  3. when the controller comes back online (and AP goes into MANAGED state), the guest portal redirection will restore automatically
Starting from 2.3.9, you'll be able to add/modify <unifi_base>/data/
# config.selfrun_guest_mode=pass        # when controller is offline, automatically 
#                                         authorize all guests (all guest isolation / policy is still enforced)
#                                       # "off" to disable all the guest SSIDs when controller is not reachable

How do I use WPA-Enterprise?

Usually this involves
  • set up RADIUS server (Windows IAS, FreeRADIUS, etc)
  • tell RADIUS server where the RADIUS request may come from (i.e. the IP address/subnet/range of the APs)
  • set up wireless clients with configuration and, if necessary, certificates (e.g. EAP-TLS)
You can configure the type of EAP you'd like to use and UniFi APs do not get involved.

How do I configure WPA1 / WPA2

By default, when WPA is used, UniFi will enable WPA1/WPA2 (or mixed mode) as well as TKIP/CCMP(AES). Release 2.2.0 and after enables you to limit/force specific security settings.

I cannot get Google Map API key to work, what's wrong?

For "My web site URL:", make sure you use https://unifi_ip/

Is Bandwidth Limiting Per User, Per SSID, or Per AP?

Bandwidth / Rate limiting applied to each user.

I use DNS for my L3 management, why does AP shows disconnected when I configure it to use Static IP?

When you use DHCP, resolv.conf will have "search yourdomain". As you have configured the DNS serverresolve unifi.yourdomain to the controller-ip, all is good. However, when you set the AP to use Static IP, there won't be a "search yourdomain" in the resolv.conf. "unifi" can no longer be resolved by your DNS server.
The solution is to use DHCP with static IP mapping.


What Hardware Models Are Available

For detailed information, please see UniFi AP Datasheets
UniFi AP - Standard
  • Two integrated antennas -- supports 2x2 MIMO with spatial diversity
  • 1 Passive PoE port
  • 20dBm Max transmit power
  • Antenna radiation targets a dome-shaped coverage area where the height is slightly shorter than the radius
UniFi AP - Long Range Similar to UniFi Standard, with these differences:
  • 27dBm Max transmit power
  • 2-3dB higher receive gain
UniFi AP - Outdoor Rugged outdoor AP with two omni antenna (included) - 2x2 MIMO
  • 28dBm Max transmit power
UniFi AP - Professional
  • Faster processor, more RAM
  • Concurrent dual-band radio: 2.4Ghz 3x3 450Mbps, 5Ghz 2x2 300Mbps
  • Gigabit Ethernet
  • 802.3af PoE
  • Dual firmware image
  • Security Lock

What is the gain of the UniFi internal antennas?

The peak antenna gain for the indoor UniFi APs is around 6dBi

How Many SSIDs / VLANs are supported

4 SSIDs (and corresponding VLAN IDs)

Do you support roaming?

Yes. Roaming is supported per 802.11. Starting from v3.1.x, UniFi supports PMK-Caching and introduced a seamless roaming feature - Zero-Handoff.

Do you support WMM?

Yes, and WiFi-certified.

How is QoS implemented?

UniFi AP considers either DSCP or COS. It compares COS with DSCP (the first 3 bits) and takes whichever has higher value to map to WMM AC according to the table below (this also can be referred at
DSCP values (Decimal) => WMM AC
  • 0 to 7 => BE
  • 24 to 31 => BE
  • 8 to 23 => BK
  • 32 to 47 => VI (except 46)
  • 48 and above => VO
Starting from v2.3.6, DSCP 46 is considered as a special case that will be mapped to VO.
On the AP receiving end, 802.11 is on top of ethernet frame. AP thus sends packets onto the wire the way it receives over-the-air (without 802.11 header of course). For example, a VoIP phone sends VO packets in DSCP 46 and that will be the DSCP value of the ether frames that AP sends out on wire.

Why do I never see 300Mbps even if HT40 is enabled?

I don't want to bore you with technical details but check the Data Rates Table here. UniFi APs are capable of 300Mbps _if_ the client can and want to use it. Here are common numbers you can see (all assuming good signal)
  • 65Mbps (client only has 1 receiving antenna, MCS7)
  • 130Mbps/144Mbps (client has 2 receiving antenna, MCS15. 40Mhz not supported or disabled)
  • Macbook does have multiple antennas; however, it only supports HT20 on 2.4Ghz and by default enables HT40 on 5Ghz

Do you support auto channel selection?

By default AP will find a best channel when it powers up. You can overwrite it in the per-AP config. Background-scanning and automatic runtime channel change is on the road map.

What's the maximum number of clients can an AP support

This is a question that's hard to answer. The implementation supports 127 clients (per band) simultaneously but in reality it depends on what these clients do (just email/web/chats? streaming? downloading?) In our office, we constantly have 20+ (30+ at times) various kind of devices without any issues. We had reports about problems with more than 60 clients but haven't reproduced it yet. Currently in our lab, we have ~100 clients stressing one AP.

What does the icon next to the signal strength mean?

The (b), (g), (n) icon indicates the type of client/connection (11b, 11g, 11n) When it turns gray with a lightening bolt, it means the device is currently in power-saving mode

What are the different LED state

  • Blinking Amber/Orange - initializing
  • Steady Amber/Orange - factory defaults
  • Steady Green - adopted
  • Steady green with occasional flashing (once every 3 or 4 seconds) - isolated (This means that AP cannot reach to the gateway. Starting from v2.3.x, uplink monitor can be disabled under "Settings" > "System" > uncheck "Uplink Connectivity Monitor").
UAP Pro:
  • Flashing White - Initializing.
  • Steady White - Factory default, waiting to be integrated.
  • Alternating White/Blue - Device is busy; do not touch or unplug it. This usually indicates a process such as a firmware upgrade is taking place.
  • Quickly Flashing Blue - This is used to locate an AP. When you click Locate in the UniFi Controller software, the AP will flash. It will also display the location of the AP on the map.
  • Steady Blue - Indicates the device has been successfully integrated into a network and is working properly.
  • Steady Blue with occasional flashing (once every 3 or 4 seconds) - Indicates the device is in an isolated state (all WLANs are brought down until an uplink is found).

What mobile devices have you tested?

We recognised that mobile devices in a wireless network is a big thing and we've been constantly working on testing and fixing issues. In our lab, we had iPads, iPod 3G/4G's, Andriod phones (HTC Desire, DesireHD, Surround, Mozart, Motorola Driod X, Samsung Galaxy S2, Galaxy Tab, Galaxy Nexus), Blackberry Torch and Bold, Nokia N8, Amazon Kindle.
People also bring their mobile devices to connect our UniFi wireless networks: iPhones (all generations), iPads, Android (Samsung GalaxyS, i9000, Epic, Motorola Driod, Droid2...), and Andriod tablets (Galaxy Tab)


Many of the features are well-documented in UniFi User Guide.

Wireless Uplink

Instead of offering WDS (difficult to setup and change) or Mesh (unpredictable uplink selection), we simply provide a feature called 'Wireless Uplink'.
It allows you to well, use wireless as AP's uplink. And more importantly, it allows you to change your topology on the fly. This design provides:
  • easy to setup/change: you don't see configuration about Mac addresses, passphrase as it's all done by UniFi. Therefore, you can focus on topology, etc.
  • predictable: once you've picked the uplink and satisfied with the quality, it will work today, tomorrow, and thereafter
Wireless Uplink Setup
Note: For a video walkthrough of configuring a wireless uplinks, see this video tutorial.

The Wireless Uplink is designed to be reliable rather than quick/dynamic. Please be patient for the isolated state change, the discovery, and the link setup. A general topology will be something like below:
  • Switch -----(wire)--------- Uplink AP )))))))(wireless))))))))) Island AP

WARNING - For system upgrade, disable "automatic upgrade" and always manually upgrade the isolated AP first.

To enable wireless uplink:
  • Adopt all APs through wire first (using Ethernet cable). In other words, adopt both uplink and island APs.
  • Put the island AP to the intended location and connect its power. This means connect power adapter POE port to the island AP, but leave power adapter LAN port empty.
  • After the island AP is up, on the controller, wait until it becomes "Heartbeat Missed" and then "Disconnected" or "Isolated" state (takes about 6+ minutes). It will _not_ service any configured WLANs at this moment.
  • Go to AP dialog->Configure->Wireless Uplink, select the uplink AP of your choice (click on "Find more" if no uplink AP is shown)
  • The controller establishes wireless uplink between the selected uplink AP and the island AP. The island AP is now wireless connected and serving.
Technical details - Isolated AP
A new status, Isolated, is introduced. When the AP is unable to reach the gateway, it goes into Isolated state. In this state,
  • all servicing WLANs are disabled (if we cannot reach the gateway, wireless clients won't either)
  • has different LED pattern - steady green (managed) with occasional dims
  • AP will send out beacon over the air and can be found by nearby APs
  • Only the wired APs under the same controller can establish a downlink to this isolated AP
  • by default, wired APs don't go off-channel to look for isolated APs. "Find more" trigger wired APs to do so. And after wireless uplink is set up, the isolated AP will always find and follow the same channel use by its uplink AP

L3 (Layer 3) Management


In many deployments where it's not possible/desired to have controller running at the premise, you can run the controller in the cloud or your NOC.
Say we got an new project, we could
  • on amazon, create a Ubuntu controller instance on Amazon
  • configure/stage a few APs in our lab and customize the guest portals
  • when we're at the customer's site, open a browser to the cloud-based controller
  • either configure DHCP server, DNS server, or simply use the UniFi Discovery Utility to make all local APs inform back to the controller
  • on-going management/monitoring can be done anywhere and Amazon would provide us with great firewall configurations


Please make sure you're familiar with how UniFi works (e.g. where AP and Controller is in the same L2) before you attempting L3 Management. L3 management adds many moving parts in the mix (i.e. added complexity).
UniFi AP has a default inform URL http://unifi:8080/inform. Thus, the purpose of using DHCP option 43 or DNS is to allow the AP to know the IP of the controller.
To use DHCP Option 43
To use DHCP Option 43 You'll need to configure your DHCP Server. For example:
Linux's ISC DHCP server: dhcpd.conf
# ...
option space ubnt;
option ubnt.unifi-address code 1 = ip-address;

class "ubnt" {
        match if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 4) = "ubnt";
        option vendor-class-identifier "ubnt";
        vendor-option-space ubnt;

subnet netmask {
        option ubnt.unifi-address;  ### UniFi Controller IP ###
        option routers;
        option broadcast-address;
        option domain-name-servers,;
        # ...
Cisco CLI
# assuming your UniFi is at
ip dhcp pool <pool name>
network <ip network> <netmask>
default-router <default-router IP address>
dns-server <dns server IP address>
option 43 hex 0104C0A8030A # -> CO A8 03 0A

# Why 0104C0A8030A ?
# 01: suboption
# 04: length of the payload (must be 4)
# C0A8030A:
Mikrotik CLI (from rclewis)
/ip dhcp-server option add code=43 name=unifi value=0x0104C0A8030A
/ip dhcp-server network set 0 dhcp-option=unifi

# Why 0104C0A8030A ?
# 01: suboption
# 04: length of the payload (must be 4)
# C0A8030A:
Cisco has a good write-up for DHCP option 43 setup.
To use IP of controller
  • You can also use the IP of the controller in the inform URL instead of the domain name.
To use DNS
  • You'll need to configure your DNS server to resolve 'unifi' to your controller's IP address. Make sure that AP can resolve controller's domain name. For example, if you are setting http://XYZ:8080/inform, then ping from AP to determine if XYZ is resolvable/reachable.
  • Or, using FQDN for the controller inform URL, http://FQDN:8080/inform
  • Troubleshooting - AP (with static IP) fails to connect to the L3 controller
    • when configured an AP from DHCP to static in the controller UI, make sure you have put the IP of DNS. If not, then the AP cannot contact DNS to resolve controller domain name.
    • if the AP has been reset (by pushing reset button), make sure that you have informed AP twice (using discovery utility) about the controller's location (this will be improved in the coming release 2.3.0)

To use UniFi Discovery Utility
Not many environments can have a DHCP server that's configurable, even less likely with a DNS server.
That's where UniFi Discovery Utility comes in. It listens to the multicast/broadcast packets from UniFi APs and allow you to tell the AP to inform any URL you'd like. (only APs in default state or not in contact with any controller will be displayed)
UniFi Discovery utility is installed along with your UniFi controller.
  • On Windows, it's in Start Menu->Ubiquiti UniFi->UniFi-Discover
  • On Mac, /Applications/ (or use Spotlight to find it)
  • run "java -jar <unifi_base>/lib/ace.jar discover"
To perform L3 adoption with the discovery utility:
  1. wait until the AP shows up
  2. if the AP is not in default state. click "reset", specify the SSH username/password and click "Apply"
  3. click on "manage", modify the inform URL and leave the SSH username/password as ubnt/ubnt and click "Apply"
  4. open a browser to your remote UniFi controller and you should see it being "Pending Approval"
  5. Click on "approve". You'll see it going to "Adopting" state, ignore it as it'll eventually become "Adoption Failed" or "Disconnected"
  6. perform [3] again (no need to wait for [5] to finish)
  7. AP is now managed by the controller
Discovery Utility works with APs with firmware 1.2.3 and 1.3.2 as well. Once adopted by the 2.0 Controller, it will upgrade these units automatically.

To use SSH
If you can SSH into the AP, it's possible to do L3-adoption via a under-construction CLI command:
# 1. make sure the AP is running the latest (or 2.1.0+)
#    if it's not, do
# upgrade http://ip-of-controller:8080/dl/firmware/BZ2/version-of-ap-see-ref-table-below/firmware.bin
# 2. make sure the AP is in factory default state
#    if it's not, do
# restore-default
# 3. ssh into the device and type
# the CLI interface:
set-inform http://ip-of-controller:8080/inform

Controller Version AP Upgrade URL
2.3.9 http://ip-of-controller:8080/dl/firmware/BZ2/
2.3.8 http://ip-of-controller:8080/dl/firmware/BZ2/
2.2.5 http://ip-of-controller:8080/dl/firmware/BZ2/
2.2.4 http://ip-of-controller:8080/dl/firmware/BZ2/
2.2.3 http://ip-of-controller:8080/dl/firmware/BZ2/
2.2.2 http://ip-of-controller:8080/dl/firmware/BZ2/
2.2.1 http://ip-of-controller:8080/dl/firmware/BZ2/
2.2.0 http://ip-of-controller:8080/dl/firmware/BZ2/
2.1.0 http://ip-of-controller:8080/dl/firmware/BZ2/

Guest Access


We understand guest access is an important part of wireless system offering. In release 1.x, we're targeting a few groups of users. In release 2.x, we'll provide a customizable guest portal with billing system integrated.
Here are the targeted scenarios for 1.x:

I just want to provide free and simple guest access
Recommendation: In Wireless Configuration, enable "Apply Access Policies".
This turns on guest isolation and subnet restrictions (which can be customized in Settings->Guest Control), etc. - making sure guest cannot access your corporate network. If you choose Open for security, it's pretty much a connect-and-go, no guest portal, no "Terms of Use" or anything. UniFi controller doesn't even have to be running! You still have the option to choose WPA-Personal - just need to have a way to tell the guests the Passphrase.

I think I need to show "Terms of Use"... just to play safe
Recommendation: In Wireless Configuration, enable "Apply Access Policies". In Settings-> Guest Control, enable Guest Portal and choose "No authentication".
Enabling "Guest Portal" puts the guest in a walled garden. In plain English, the connected guest can get an IP, do DNS lookup; however, all other traffic is blocked. The HTTP/HTTPS traffic will be redirected to the guest portal (in this case, the UniFi controller) _before_ they're authorized. After they get authorized, they'll have access to the networks not restricted by the "Restricted Subnets" configuration.
This works very much like what you usually see in Starbucks or Airports. You connect to a open wireless network, open a browser and go to, gets redirected, accepts Terms of Use, and you go! You may get redirected to a Promotional URL or the original URL you intended. Moreover, you get a few hours of free access depending on the operators' policies.
  • After 1.3.2, you also have the option of specifying the Expiration time. After the 'authorization' expires, the guest will be prompted with the Guest Portal again.

I don't want just anyone to get in. How do I limit the access?
Recommendation: In Wireless Configuration, enable "Apply Access Policies". In Settings-> Guest Control, enable Guest Portal and choose "Simple Password".
When the guest is prompted with the guest portal, s/he will not only need to accept the Terms of Use but provide a password. There's nothing fancy/flexible but we see this is a quick-and-easy way.
Another way is to use WPA-Personal and disable guest portal all together as you need to tell the guests a password anyway.

I need to customize the portal page and use my own way to authorize the user (e.g. making the user pay)
Recommendation: In Wireless Configuration, enable "Apply Access Policies". In Settings-> Guest Control, enable Guest Portal and choose "External Portal Server". Then take a look at (if running 1.3.2) or (if running 2.2.0)
Out of the gate we know our guest portal feature is limited. External Portal Server is for advanced integrators who can install/program their portal web server. UniFi will set up the policies so guests will be redirected to the specified External Portal Server (traffic-wise, port 80 and 443 will be forwarded). An API is provided to tell the controller something like "authorize guest[00:15:34:93:e3:f2] for 4 hours". UniFi controller will take it from here.

I already have my own L3 implementations for this
Recommendation: well... some may opt to use UniFi AP to serve WiFi and have their own walled-garden/guest portal implementation already. I believe these folks know what they're doing.


It's more than natural to think of VLAN when guest access is mentioned. However, there are a few technical details to talk about.
Let's start with the basic VLAN deployment where guest portal is not enabled:
1. UniFi AP tags wlan->wire traffic
2. AP-controller is untagged
3. controller is likely running on untagged interface
4. configured inside the AP:

guest --- br0.3 --- eth0.3 --3--+
          br0 ------------------+--u,3---port1
corp  -----+ 
Deployment example:
  • port8 connecting to router's DMZ port, add port8 as member of vlan3 and untagging. enable DHCP server on your DMZ
  • port5 connecting to internal network, have port5 untagged.

What happens when Guest portal enabled with VLAN
When guest portal is enabled, the controller acts as a portal server and the guests will be redirected to http://unifi_ip:unifi_http_portal_port/guest/. This is where the issues may arise - guest is on vlan3, bridged to DMZ, there's no way it can reach unifi_ip:unifi_http_portal_port.
In the scenario above, one solution to the problem is to add rules to your router
  1. add route for traffic from DMZ->unifi_ip
  2. allow DMZ->unifi_ip:unifi_http_portal_port
Another solution, where we envision this moving up in scale, is to have the controller running at NOC or cloud.


UniFi's hotspot system is a self-contained, full-featured and fully-customizable solution that you can deploy easily.
  1. Settings->Guest Control, enable Guest Portal
  2. Select "Hotspot" for authentication and you'll see a new section for Hotspot config
  3. Two authorization scheme can be used (at least one has to be selected)
Hotspot Manager
Hotspot Manager is for people like hotel receptionists to service the wireless guests in case any issue comes up. It's also used for voucher creation/maintenance.
The hotspot manager is at https://<unifi-ip>:<port>/hotspot
Try creating a hotel operator account:
  • click on the Hotspot Manager link
  • in Operator Accounts tab, add operator account
  • logout and login again with the operator account you just created
  • this is the view hotel operators can see
  • hotel operators won't be able to access UniFi admin interface

Hotspot - Portal Customization

Many guest portal implementations allow you to change logo, text, and maybe styles. Some allow you to do more but with their mediocre UI and you can only hope it will come out OK after each modification. Some have disk space limitations, fixed directory structures, and all sorts of restrictions.
Not with UniFi! We pretty much open up the whole portal/ directory (i.e. put as much or as little graphics, videos as you'd like), use plain .html format (i.e. use any editor of your choice), and allow instant testing (i.e. once the file is saved, reload the page from the guest's browser and you see how it looks).
Moreover, you can create multiple hotspot packages - each with different payment, name, duration of use, bandwidth limit.
  1. In Settings->Guest Control, enable Guest Portal and Portal Customization, Apply
  2. a copy of the portal pages (ones that's being served) will be copied to <unifi_base>/data/portal
  3. use another PC to connect to the guest network and and use the browser to go to any website
  4. you will see the default portal pages
  5. modify the pages (e.g. the <title>) and reload the browser on the client
<unifi_base> is at
  • Mac:/Applications/
  • Windows:"%userprofile%/Ubiquiti Unifi",
  • Linux:/usr/lib/unifi.
Sample Portal
The sample portal is, while useful by itself, written in a way that it demonstrates most features in the simplest format.
# directory structure
index.html    : the main landing page
bundle/ for localization and hotspot package specification
payment.html  : for credit card information submission. requires https, also served as an example of additional .html page
fail.html     : default page when there's error handling guest login

supporting files: 
  1. all .html pages goes through the rendering engine and can be a target of form's POST action
  2. all the supporting files are not required and you can roll your own
And to explain further, let's go through some scenarios:
Scenario: can I just modify something and see if it works?
  1. on controller: enable Guest Portal, select No Authentication
  2. modify index.html: find
    "<h2>Terms of Use</h2>"
    and change it to
    "<h2>Welcome to Joe's Guest Portal!</h2>"
  3. have another device connects to the guest wireless network and open the browser to any URL

Scenario: I just need to show a Terms of Use with customized portal
on controller: enable Guest Portal, select No Authentication
  1. look at the bottom portion of index.html and you can delete everything not related
  2. all that's required is the form POST to /guest/login to authorize the user
  3. the sample page requires the user to accept Terms of Use by disabling the submit button if they don't check the "I accept the Terms of Use"

Scenario: How do I do the password authentication
on controller: enable Guest Portal, select Simple Password
  1. Find the section enclosed by <unifi if="auth_password"> ... </unifi>
  2. requires the form POST ("password")
  3. the hidden "page_error" indicates which page will render the error, in the sample, index.html
  4. that leads us to look at the secion of <unifi if="has_error"> where either the localized error <unifi error="error" /> or a welcome title <unifi txt="PasswordRequiredForWirelessAccess" /> will be shown

Scenario: How do I integrate UniFi controller with Paypal Pro or Standard accounts
We have compiled step-by-step examples that demonstrate how UniFi hotspot can be integrated with Paypal Pro and Standard accounts. UniFi and Paypal Integration
voucher customization
Currently the voucher customization is not implemented yet. However, you can try to modify webapps/ROOT/pages/voucher.jsp before we enhanced this.
NOTE: make sure you have this file backup somewhere as it will be wiped out during controller upgrade/reinstall.
The JSP code is HTML-like and modifiable. The current implementation prints 4 vouchers per row with minimum formatting.
    <p class="valid">Valid for <%=valid%></p>
    <p class="code"><%=code%></p>
Another approach is to use API to create vouchers, and naturally you'll get the details of the voucher in JSON for custom formatting/printing (e.g. sending it to a receipt printer).
portal page syntax and variables
unifi tags
<unifi var="name" />
a few vars are populated where you can use <unifi var="varnames" /> to render it in the HTML page
  • auth: none | password | hotspot
  • auth_none: false | true
  • auth_password: false | true
  • auth_hotspot: false | true
  • voucher_enabled: false | true
  • payment_enabled: false | true
  • package: the package id (from POST or GET)
  • mac: guest's MAC address
  • ap_mac: AP's MAC address
  • ap_name: AP's name
  • map_name: AP's location (name of the map)
  • ssid: the SSID of the wireless network
  • error: error message
  • has_error: false | true

<unifi include="header.html" />
to include another HTML page

<unifi if="name" eq="value"> ... <unifi else="var" /> ... </unifi>
the simple if/then/else logic to determine if a section of the page should be shown use <unifi if="!name" eq="value" > ...</unifi>

<unifi txt="InvalidPassword" />
text localization, see bundle/

<unifi url="payment.html" https="true" />
generates the URL (and possibly change it to HTTPs) relatively

this is the URL the user will POST to get authorized, it takes the following parameters:
  • by: type of authentication (for hotspot): voucher | credit | paypal
  • package: package id (for hotspot)
  • voucher: voucher code (for hotspot/voucher)
  • cc_xxxxx: credit card information (for hotspot/credit):
  • landing_url: use a dynamic landing URL (which can be constructed by using vars)
  • page_error: relative URI when error occurs (fail.html is the default)

credit card related fields: cc_firstname, cc_lastname, cc_number, cc_year, cc_month, cc_ccv2 cc_addr1, cc_addr2, cc_city, cc_state, cc_zip, cc_country, cc_email
bundle/ definitions
## package 1
# amount is in US dollars
# default currency is USD
# what's shown in the Hotspot Manager 8HR
# what's shown on the credit card statement
package.1.charged_as=Hotspot 8-hour WiFi

## package 2
package.2.hours=24 Daypass
package.2.charged_as=Hotspot 1-day WiFi

## package 3
# this is a free trial package (with amount 0)
package.3.hours=2 Trial
# whether to overwrite the user group policy per WLAN/User, default is false
# only available in release-2.1.0
# kbps, default is unlimited
# kbps, default is unlimited
# Mbytes, default is unlimited
I see "Certificate Error" when redirected to PayPal website. What's wrong?
According to here which links to here
"Starting September 12, 2012, will start resolving to a dynamic list of IP addresses and as such cannot be whitelisted."
People using Website Payment Pro with Direct Payment (Credit Card payment) are not affected. However, if you use Express Checkout, setting up guest portal firewall rules is getting much more challenging.
For people using PayPal payment in UniFi, we would suggest
  • Stick with Credit Card Payment Only (it works flawlessly as controller is the one talking to Paypal's payment gateway)
  • Configure DNS so it resolves to a handful of IPs that you can configure in the controller's Allowed Subnet
  • combining the new in 2.3.9 (to be released), add
config.captive_portal_subnets= [...]

[...] would be
1. individual IPs from the list paypal published or the fixed IP(s) you added in your DNS config
2. (see below) has references to and, unfortunately, resolves to different IP/subnets in different countries. You may
NetRange: -
  • add "" to Allowed Subnets in Settings->Guest Control
I see incomplete PayPal website screen. What's wrong?
see above.
Can I have my portal page on HTTPS?
Change your index.html to the following:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=<unifi url="index_secure.html" https="true"/>">
and have your real index.html in index_secure.html

Install the controller in "the cloud" -- Amazon Web Services (AWS)


With L3 Manageability, we've essentially enabled the capability of running the controller in the cloud. We believe this makes UniFi the most versatile enterprise WiFi system in terms of deployment options.
This post will be describing how you can run your controller on AWS (Amazon's Web Service) and how you can get your APs managed by the controller hosted on it.


It's assuming that you have some understanding about AWS and have tried it. If not, don't worry, go to the end and get a quick tutorial.

Create the controller instance
There's a AMI created for you - ami-ca2ef3a3 (or you can search for UniFi 2.2.5).
Note: this AMI is current available only in US-East region, will copy it over to others soon.
  1. launch AWS Management Console
  2. Images->AMI, search for the ami by 'ami-ca2ef3a3'
  3. Click "Launch", a micro instance will do. Click "Continue"
  4. In "Instance Details", use the default options. Click "Continue"
  5. for keys/values, do nothing, Click "Continue"
  6. Select a Key Pair you'd like to use or create a new one
  7. Create a new Security Group, UniFi, with
    1. TCP 8080
    2. TCP 8443
    3. TCP 8880
    4. TCP 8843
    5. TCP 22
    6. UDP 3478
  8. Click Launch
  9. Go to Instances->Instances, after the instance is Up, select the instance find the "Public DNS" at the lower panel. This is the hostname that you can use to manage the controller and the one that APs will use for inform (something like

AP Adoption and management
  1. Open a browser to URL like "", go through the wizard
  2. With your 2.x.x AP in their default state in the same L2, launch the UniFi Discovery Utility
  3. Click Manage and change the inform URL to something like "". Click "Apply"
  4. You'll see the device showing up as pending on the controller UI. Click "Adopt".
  5. (Controller will attempt to SSH right away and fail, ignore the status)
  6. On the Discovery Utility, you should still see the AP showing up as Pending, perform (3) again
  7. This time the AP will be adopted successfully.

Where to go from here?
Note that the AMI is for testing purpose, for production, you may want to:
  • get a domain name and/or elastic IP - as the public DNS will change once you stop/start the instance
  • create bigger EBS or mount additional volumn for UniFi
Amazon AWS
Amazon AWS is probably the most versatile hosting platform you can ask for. They're even offering a free tier for people to try for a year. Signing up is easy and you can use the account you're using (
After sign up, go to and follow the steps mentioned above.


Custom SSL certificate

On Linux using apt:
sudo su -
# cd <unifi_base> 
# on Windows, "%USERPROFILE%/Ubiquiti Unifi"
cd /usr/lib/unifi 

# create new certificate (with csr)
java -jar lib/ace.jar new_cert <hostname> <company> <city> <state> <country>

# your CSR can be found at /var/lib/unifi
# - unifi_certificate.csr.der
# - unifi_certificate.csr.pem

# have this CSR signed by a CA, you'll get a few certificates back...
# copy the signed certificate(s) to <unifi_base>

# import the signed certificate and other intermediate certificates
java -jar lib/ace.jar import_cert <signed_cert> [<other_intermediate_root_certs>...]

UniFi Controller API

While we offered a few scripts for people to use API to perform some actions against the controller, we haven't publicly announced yet.
However, we think it's time to start something. Be aware, though:
  • backup your DB often and stay with those we included. At the current state, not all parameters are checked.
  • Treat the APIs experimental and subject to change
To perform API operations, download unifi_sh_api and here's a sample script to authorize a guest for X amount of time

## define required variables

## include the API library
. unifi_sh_api

# unifi_authorize_guest <mac> <minutes> [up=kbps] [down=kbps] [bytes=MB]
unifi_authorize_guest $1 $2

Polycom SpectraLink Phones support

Polycom SpectraLink 8440 phones does NOT support TKIP/AES mixed mode. The phone, if set to WPA2-PSK, connects when the WLAN is configured in Both and AES-only; the phone, if set to WPA-PSK, connects when the WLAN is configured in Both and TKIP-only. U-APSD also needs be enabled as described in earlier posts.
This setup can be verified by the configuration guide published by Polycom for Cisco.
In page 30,
  • For WPA2-PSK, under WPA+WPA2 Parameters:
    1. Select the WPA2-Policy check box.
    2. Select the AES check box for WPA2-Encryption.
  • For WPA-PSK, under WPA+WPA2 Parameters:
    1. Select the WPA-Policy check box.
    2. Select the TKIP check box for WPA Encryption
Note that these essentially imply to enable only one mapping encryption method on WLAN. Same configuration also needs to be applied on Ubiquiti Unifi.
Regarding permanent changing U-APSD, please follow the instructions in this section,

Under The Hood

AP - Controller Management Protocol


AP discovery is done with L2 multicast/broadcast in order for controller to see it. The adoption is done by controller SSH into AP to tell the AP where the controller is. After that, it's all AP calling home to perform tasks controller asks it to do. All the AP-controller management traffic goes un-tagged.
The design has L3-management in mind where you can set up controller in the clouds.


Initial Handshake
  • When an AP is in factory default (LED shows steady amber/orange), it will obtain an IP from DHCP server and send out beacons - "I'm at factory default settings. Who can manage me?"
  • Controller hears the beacon. As this device is in default state, shows the AP as PENDING.
  • When the user decides to adopt the AP, controller will adopt the AP via SSH (using the IP information in the beacon and the default username/password)
  • AP sends initial inform to http://controller_ip:8080/inform, the binding of controller-AP is now completed

When the AP is already adopted
  • When an AP has been adopted (LED shows steady green) but the controller is not present, the AP sends a slightly different beacon - "I'm here. When you (the controller) are up/ready. Come pick me up."
  • When the original controller comes up, it hears the AP's beacon and finds that the AP is under its management. It will readopt the AP automatically via SSH (using the IP information in the beacon and with the non-default credential).


The Controller manages the AP using a proprietary TR-069-like management protocol. The main idea, for scalability, is for AP to phone home periodically via L3. And to support instant notifications from controller->AP, STUN is also used.

Is the proprietary communication between APs and the Controller encrypted?

Yes, the protocol is encrypted.

Can I put the controller in a different subnet?

See L3 Management

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